Dev Diary

More beta updates available

There is a tranche of plugins now close to being released from beta mode to core mode. ...
Dev Diary

Beta downloads and historic plugin versions now in your account

Beta development of Faster Woo Widgets, Scalability Pro and Super Speedy Search ...
Dev Diary

Upgrades to multiple Super Speedy Plugins plugins now in beta

For those who have been following progress, you'll know that our Faster Woo Widgets ...
Plugin Updates

Bridge theme speed improvements included in latest Scalability Pro update

A customer found their theme was grabbing images directly from the database using the ...
Dev Diary

Trello board for current development is now live

I've had a good few bug reports coming in from the people testing Faster Woo Widgets ...
Dev Diary

Faster Woo Widgets beta

I know it's been a long time, but with the extra options being added to this plugin the ...
Dev Diary

My journey fixing WooCommerce slow speed with many variations – part 1

Ok, so I love WooCommerce, and I love speed, but this one has been on the back burner ...
Dev Diary

Dev Diary #7

It's been a couple of weeks since the last dev diary, but there has been quite a bit of ...
Dev Diary

Dev Diary #6

Hi everyone - quick update on bug fixing progress. There was a new update released ...
Dev Diary

Dev Diary #5

Ok - I missed a week in my Dev Diary, but here we are, back at it again. I've managed to ...
Dev Diary

Dev Diary #4

I've finally arrived and settled at my final destination. My new base is Paros in Greece ...
Dev Diary

Dev diary #3

I'm writing this from a ferry about to leave Venice for Greece and to my horror I've ...
WP Intense