Plugin Updates

New SQL enhancement for Scalability Pro to fix WooCommerce long-running query in the product-hero block

We've been busy setting up our Speed Test environment so we can exhaustively measure all ...
Plugin Updates

Speeding up WooCommerce 7 (wp-admin and imports)

I wrote previously about the slow code that exists in WooCommerce for Onboarding tasks. ...
Plugin Updates

More speed boosts for wp-admin and imports with Scalability Pro upgrade

The WordPress dashboard can get quite slow as your website grows which is why we're ...
Plugin Updates

Performance boost for WooCommerce onboarding code on large sites

If you have a large site, you probably noticed wp-admin slowing down a lot with the ...
Dev Diary

Super Speedy Pack Soft Launch

Yesterday, to practically zero fanfare, we launched the new Super Speedy Pack. This new ...
Dev Diary

Help – we need a better name for Faster Woo Widgets!

Faster Woo Widgets is our plugin that replaces the default WooCommerce filters with ...
Dev Diary

Bug fix sprint

Faster Woo Widgets is still in beta, but the latest beta is looking very, very good. The ...
Dev Diary

Adding a custom taxonomy widget to Faster Woo Widgets

Our Faster Woo Widgets upgrades have been in beta for a while now - the latest beta ...
Dev Diary

December Development Update

I haven't written a dev diary update for quite a while - Over the past few months I've ...
Plugin Updates

Manual update for Super Speedy Search required

I became aware a few days ago that I'd inadvertently broken the automatic updates for ...

How to enable debug.log to collect WordPress error messages

If you are submitting a bug report or a support ticket, it will be very helpful if you ...
Dev Diary

More speed, more updates, and a bit of a roadmap for our plugins

If you've been paying attention, development has been moving forward quickly on External ...
WP Intense