Performance Tips
Performance Tips

Configuring Cloudflare for WordPress and WooCommerce: Boost Your Website Speed and Security

Our primary mission at Super Speedy Plugins is to help you never have to worry about ...
Performance Tips

Avoid the Express Checkout option on the WooCommerce Stripe Gateway plugin to speed up Woo Variations

A potential client arrived yesterday on my Discord channel asking for help with slow ...

Slow HTTP API Calls due to WooCommerce Experimental Tracking

After getting my website home page load time down to 1.3 seconds, with the help of ...
Performance Tips

How to fix slow WooCommerce 6.01 for wp-admin pages

I upgraded Foundthru to the latest WooCommerce and after onboarding (updating the ...
Performance Tips

Solving WordPress Performance Problems

For five years I've been solving WordPress performance problems. There are many patterns ...
Performance Tips

WordPress stack configuration, customisation and optimisation guide

In the article below, I cover various tips and tricks to help you run your WordPress ...
Performance Tips

Transfer files quickly from Amazon S3

It may be that you're running a migration for someone, or you've decided to switch to ...
WP Intense