Case Studies

Scaling WooCommerce to 1 million products (my talk at WordCamp Brighton)

I've just been sent the link to my filmed talk down in Brighton at the WordCamp there. I ...
Performance Analysis

Profiling WordPress PHP code using Xprofiler

There are a multitude of profilers available for WordPress but they all fail in some way ...
Performance Analysis

How to enable the slow query log and identify slow queries with PerconaDB

Edit your /etc/mysql/my.cnf file - the default file comes with a bug for setting up this ...
Stack Guides

The mercury stack for WordPress The Mercury stack is the fastest ...
Stack Guides

Complete guide to WordPress security

Here it is people - the complete guide to Wordpress security. In this guide I'm going to ...
Stack Guides

DIY Mercury installation for super fast WordPress performance

I've just released a new service to set up, migrate and configure your Wordpress site for ...
WP Intense