Case Studies
Case Studies

Speeding up WP All Import imports using Scalability Pro

A customer asked me for helping speeding up their imports. They are using WP All Import ...
Case Studies

Figuring out slow PHP performance caused by loops using Xdebug

I use Xdebug regularly to help clients figure out why their PHP processes are consuming ...
Case Studies

Performance review for Yith Wishlist (it’s bad, but they fixed it in 24 hours)

A client came to me recently to get help with identifying why their site was so slow ...
Case Studies

Performance Optimisation for various XML Sitemap plugins

Learn which of these 3 XML sitemap plugins is the only one that can scale, and how to ...
Case Studies

Getting Rehub Working with Super Speedy Plugins Plugins

Since pivoting the business slightly to focus almost entirely on plugin development, I've ...
Case Studies

Rehub Theme Performance and Scalability Review

Everyone else measures theme performance using GT Metrix. If you go do a Google search ...
Case Studies

Foundthru demo site of Super Speedy Plugins plugins

The Foundthru site has been built to demonstrate the functionality and performance of the ...
Case Studies

Extra performance boosts for Scalability Pro

There's a new update for Scalability Pro out. It includes two new options to further ...
Case Studies

Scaling WooCommerce to 1 million products (my talk at WordCamp Brighton)

I've just been sent the link to my filmed talk down in Brighton at the WordCamp there. I ...
WP Intense