Error message: 1328 options set to autoload

Super Speedy Plugins Q & ACategory: Scalability ProError message: 1328 options set to autoload
Ron L. asked 8 years ago


I just installed and ran the Scalability Pro plugin. The plugin settings page shows this message on the top of the page:

You have 1328 options set to autoload. This is too many and will be slowing down your site significantly. Contact us through our Q & A section for assistance in fixing this and we'll deploy a fix specific to your situation.

What do you recommend?

On a different note, I was surprised, I ran 2 page speed tests before and after installing your plugin, and neither showed improvement. (gtmetrix and Google PageSpeed insights). Why would this be?


Ron L. replied 8 years ago

(are comments moderated? I just posted a comment on this post and when I save, the new comment doesn’t show up, and it doesn’t tell me any message indicating that my comment was received.)

Ron L. replied 8 years ago

Hi, again,

I browsed through some of the other Q&As on this site and came across this very helpful explanation that you posted here:

Here are 2 questions that bother me about this.
1. What is the true need for autoload options, and when would it truly be appropriate to use or not to use autoload?
2. What does it do when you set set autoload to ‘wpi’?

Thank you!

Ron L. replied 8 years ago

(It must be rejecting my comment which lists all 1328 autoload options. I guess there is a comments a size limit. I’d recommend setting some sort of error message indicating such. )

1 Answers
John M. answered 8 years ago

Hi Ron,

Sorry for the late reply , we have been integrating and bettering our support functions lately – but it meant some communicaitons were backlogged in the transition. All is well now!

re: options – to find out which are the biggest culprits, run this code using SQL Executioner:

select left(option_name,15) option_name, count( * ) total from wp_options group by left(option_name,15) order by total desc;

This will show you the worst culprits.

Regarding updating autoload to something other than ‘yes’ – on every page load, wordpress fetches autload=’yes’ options so they’re already available when required. If they are not autoloaded (set to something other than ‘yes’) then when they are used they are retrieved individually from the database at that point. This performance issue has come about because so many plugin developers add options and do not overrule the default setting of autload.

That means often options that are only ever used in the backend are frequently being preloaded for your front end users.

I hope that helps.

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