Any Black friday discount?

. asked 8 years ago

Hi! Will be there Black Friday/Cyber Monday discount for Price Comparison Pro Plugin?

1 Answers
Vasil Y. answered 8 years ago

Hey there,

I’m actually not 100% sure what Dave has planned, but personally I don’t think there will be a black friday sale – seeing as the last sale for the plugins was just a bit over a month ago. I will make sure to ask, though – provided there is indeed a sale, you will see it on the product page.


. replied 8 years ago

Hi, Vasil… How can I send direct email to Dave? Have a proposal to him about Price Comparison Pro plugin. The author of one successful theme on Forest Theme (4,208 sales) seems open to dialog for a partnership with Dave as the theme offers price comparison. If Dave can adapt Price Comparison Pro supporting this theme, many sales may come and benefit both authors and customers.

Vasil Y. replied 8 years ago

You can reach Dave on this email – , it’s his private one. He is very busy all the time so I’m unsure of how fast will he answer you. I will poke him about it and make sure he checks it out as soon as possible. Thank you for your interest.

. replied 8 years ago

I’ve just sent the message to Dave. Please, ask him to see also spam folder. Message subject: Re[Theme Forest] message
The author (Igor Sanzharovskyi from Sizam Design) was copied in the email and wants to talk about partnership on Price Comparison Pro plugin.

. replied 8 years ago

His famous theme (Rehub) already has price comparison, but depends on API connection with Affiliate Networks.
So, he wants add functionality for also scrape live price directly from websites which don’t have API (like Dave’s plugin does).

. replied 8 years ago

Dave’s plugin could be adapted to Rehub and officially recommended by Sizam Design.

Dave H. replied 8 years ago

I ran a discount for cyber-monday. It’s still going if you want to catch it – use CYBERMONDAY coupon code.

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