Super Speedy Plugins Performance Plugin

Super Speedy Plugins Q & ACategory: Scalability ProSuper Speedy Plugins Performance Plugin
. asked 8 years ago


so I am trying to decided between Super Speedy Plugins Performance Plugin and Elasticpress + hosted Elasticsearch. (for a large affiliate website)

There are a couple of questions I would like to ask.

Can Super Speedy Plugins Performance Plugin keep up with the performance of Elasticsearch?

Is it possible to have a fast autosuggest feature for search with Super Speedy Plugins Performance Plugin?

Do I need to use the Widgets of Super Speedy Plugins Performance Plugin or will it speed up any Woocommere filters? I am asking, because I plan to use the WooCommerce Product Filter plugin from dzeriho. (on Codecanyon)

Can Super Speedy Plugins Performance Plugin speed up product recommendations of the type "costumers who viewed this product also viewed..." as well?

Best Regards (love the AWD blog)


1 Answers
Dave H. answered 8 years ago

Hi – I haven’t compared the performance of the two. What I do know is that it’s possible to get your site loading sub-second with more than one million products in woocommerce. For autosuggest for the plugin – there is a little add-on I’ve got mostly coded which does auto-suggest and auto-complete (two different things) – it’s lightning fast as it’s using the freetext index. (You will need a fairly recent version of PHP and MySQL, this won’t work with the 10-year old versions)

You don’t need to use the Super Speedy Plugins performance plugin widgets although you get better performance if you do. I am keen to make the plugin work well with these third party filters though, or if that’s impossible to replicate the feature-set they provide in my plugin but in a scalable, fast way.

Finally – yes – it speeds up ‘customers who viewed this product also viewed’ type queries. And I’m adding more speed-boosts as we find them – e.g. I have a client who has variations on their product detail pages numbering in the 10,000s. They have only 4 dropdown options to choose variations, but combined together it creates tens of thousands of variations and currently this makes their product detail page load take forever for this product. This is fixable – I’m fixing it – and the fix will be included in the Super Speedy Plugins Performance plugin.

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