Price widget

Michel J. asked 8 years ago

Hello Dave,

I have a problem with the AWD Price Widget; It doesn't work, the dropdown ain't working if I press the apply button. If I use the slider then on the shop page I only see two fields with Min price and Max price which I have to enter manually. If I click the apply button and fill in some standard prices and I click the apply button the filter is working. The best way is to see a range filter or a drop downbox.



Dave H. replied 8 years ago

Would you be able to post a link so I can see this happening?

2 Answers
Dave H. answered 8 years ago

When you’re using the dropdown, when you select a dropdown option, the page should update immediately – i.e. you don’t need to hit apply. The Apply button is for users who fill our their own price range in the text boxes.

This means there is some JavaScript error occuring on your page for some reason which is causing this to break. If you can post a link to your page, I can debug the JavaScript error and figure out why it’s happening – I presume it’s some other plugin you have which is causing this JavaScript error.

Michel J. replied 8 years ago

Hello Dave, this still doesn’t work. Did you receive my link?

Dave H. replied 8 years ago

I didn’t get the link

Michel J. replied 8 years ago

I sended the link in “only me & admin” message. I don’t want to put a link in this message because of the public.

Vasil Y. answered 8 years ago

Greetings Michel, seeing as this hasn’t had any follow up for quite a while, I assume your problem has been resolved by Mr. Hilditch privately by now, thus I will be moving the question accordingly. In case that’s untrue and you’re still experiencing an issue, please post an entirely new question and I will be with you as soon as possible. Thank you.

Your Answer

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