I have a blank image at the end of my gallery, how do I fix this?

If you experience a blank image at the end of your gallery, it probably means your import job needs a slight adjustment.

If your source data has complete URLs including the image domain name + image path + image extension – i.e. a full URL then you are probably not experiencing this issue.

If, on the other hand, you are concatenating these 3 elements together then you will be passing a URL of some kind to External Images. In order to be fast, we do not check for the existence of the image. We cannot just check for .png, .jpeg extensions either since it’s possible to have an image with no extension.

To solve this, you need to create a function in WP All Import or whatever import tool you are using to ensure an empty string is passed inside the | separators. Only when an empty string is present will we skip the image.

Creating a concatenation function allows you to have a test at the start of the function to check if the image path name part is empty, and if it is return an entirely empty string – otherwise continue with the concatenation.

This is covered in detail in this import guide:


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