Scalability Pro Installation and Options

Go to Plugins->Add New and browse to your zip file for Scalability Pro. Upload then activate.

After you have installed and activated Scalability Pro, you should visit the Settings->Scalability Pro page.

Click the big button on the settings page to create your indexes. This is a one-time operation and the indexes will remain in place even after you de-activate the plugin. If you wish to remove the indexes before de-activation, you should click the button to delete the indexes.

On larger sites creating these indexes may take some time but you can leave the page and come back later if you need to.

Below the list of indexes you’ll find the various options for Scalability Pro.

Scalability Pro Options

The options below involve either removing, altering or microcaching certain slow parts of WordPress.

We have tried to group these as best as possible, and we have enabled some key defaults. Please read the description next to each item carefully so you know if you should activate it or not. These options are ‘safe’ in that when you change the option back, your site will be as it was before.

Each option tells you which page types to check for before & after performance. You can read more about each option below, and see Dave using the various options on our demo site with one million products in the video below.

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