Has Price Comparison Pro extension support ended?

Super Speedy Plugins Q & ACategory: Price Comparison ProHas Price Comparison Pro extension support ended?
. asked 12 months ago


I would be interested in this plugin, but as I can see it is not working.

It doesn't load anything.

Furthermore, I would like to know if it is possible to turn off the display of the Product section in the admin. It's useless to me.

Thank you.

3 Answers
. answered 12 months ago
Glyn Storms Staff answered 12 months ago



Price Comparison Pro is still working, but we have stopped focusing on it for a while and will circle back to in the future, and I will take a look at updating the page and settings on Foundthru, thank you for pointing that out.

For now, we have added the checkbox to the product page to confirm that you’re a developer so we can avoid those type of support issues until we get back to Price Comparison Pro: https://i.imgur.com/p83oNtV.png

As for removing the Product section, there are a few options in the admin:


Thank you for your interest!



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