I can't get scalability pro to work for wpallimport

Super Speedy Plugins Q & ACategory: External ImagesI can't get scalability pro to work for wpallimport
mike w. asked 3 years ago


Is there a guide to cover this

Products on our site already have images loaded into ftured and gallery

I need to us WP All import to remove the existing images and then import the url for

Featured Image & the 5 gallery images

I was assuming there are fields to import the external urls or is it done through the normal image upload box in wp all import?

Can you help please

1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 3 years ago

There are fields to handle external images, but not in Scalability Pro – that’s in our External Images plugin.

With external images, you can just import image URLs to the external_image_url postmeta field and External Images does everything else. You can import one or more images here, separated by the pipe symbol.

This also works for product variations – i.e. you can have variation galleries if you wish.

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