Urgent please!

Neo n. asked 3 years ago

FWW plugin: when i select a category from the main menu - i arrive to a category page, for example, women jackets. The url is correct, its /women/clothing/jackets/, but the filter for category opens up on a wrong category - it opens up on men jackets. Please see the screenshot.

Do you know what might be the problem?



Dave H. Staff replied 3 years ago

Which version?

Neo n. replied 3 years ago


Neo n. replied 3 years ago

but I also had it with 3.16 and 3.17 versions

1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 3 years ago

I’ve created a Trello card for this here and I’ve managed to reproduce the problem. I think this was introduced in 3.15 or something, but – if you need an urgent workaround for now please untick the option to ‘remove /product-category/ from the URL’.

I’ll get a fix out for this ASAP.


Dave H. Staff replied 3 years ago

Neo – can you please add more content to the Trello card? WordPress does not natively allow non-unique slugs, so I’m guessing you must be using a permalink manager plugin of some sort?

e.g. if I create a 2nd category called Jeans under /women/ when I already have /mens/jeans/ then wordpress creates the category slug as /women/jeans-women/

My plugin will have to be updated to work with whichever permalink manager you are using. Please update the trello card to help me figure this out.

Dave H. Staff replied 3 years ago

Also – if you could please contact me through Discord (link in your account area) and provide me with SFTP access, that would help a lot in debugging how your permalink manager is working.

Neo n. replied 3 years ago

Hi there, sorry for the late reply.
1. I’m guessing you must be using a permalink manager plugin of some sort? -yes, I am using permalink manager pro for showing nice category urls
2. e.g. if I create a 2nd category called Jeans under /women/ when I already have /mens/jeans/ then wordpress creates the category slug as /women/jeans-women/
thats correct, but it doesnt look clean, so I use permalink manager pro to make slugs look like this: instead of /women/jeans-women/ they look like /women/jeans/
I think thats where the problem appears with the FWW.


Neo n. replied 3 years ago

Also – if you could please contact me through Discord (link in your account area) and provide me with SFTP access… – where exactly should I leave the sftp access data?

Neo n. replied 3 years ago

Hi Dave,
I contacted the permalink manager pro developer and this is what he wrote:
Unfortunately, I will not be able to solve this issue :/ Most probably, the source of the problem is in the fact that Faster Woo Widgets parses the categories’ slugs directly from URL to use them as filters, eg.:
https://www.n2315.com/men/jewellery/ ==> jewellery

In your current URL configuration same of the slugs are duplicated, eg.:
https://www.n2315.com/men/jewellery/ & https://www.n2315.com/women/jewellery/
https://www.n2315.com/men/shoes/ & https://www.n2315.com/women/shoes/

You will either need to change the categories’ slugs to make each of them unique, eg.
https://www.n2315.com/men/jewellery/ & https://www.n2315.com/women/jewellery-2/
https://www.n2315.com/men/shoes/ & https://www.n2315.com/women/shoes-2/
or contact Faster Woo Widgets to check if it is possible to make it working with duplicated slugs.

Dave H. Staff replied 3 years ago

Hi – if you message me directly on Discord you can send access there. Also, you can create a private answer onto this question if you wish with acess details.

Thank you for letting me know this is using Permalink Manager Pro. I’ll get a solution figured out for you for this.

Neo n. replied 3 years ago

Great! I am really looking forward to it.

Neo n. replied 3 years ago

Hi Dave, is there any news on a solution? Thanks!

Dave H. Staff replied 3 years ago

Hi – sorry – no progress yet. Been working on bug fixes for FWW first. It should be done in November. Sorry about this extended delay but I will make it compatible with Permalink Manager Pro as soon as I can. It should be very early November so about 3 or 4 weeks away.

Neo n. replied 3 years ago

Hi Dave, do you have an update for me for this one?Thanks

Neo n. replied 3 years ago

Hi Dave, do you have any news on this? Thanks

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