Lazy load images and infinite scroll

Super Speedy Plugins Q & ACategory: Auto Infinite ScrollLazy load images and infinite scroll
. asked 3 years ago

Can I run a lazy-load image plugin with your Auto Infinite Scroll plugin?

I'm using Perfmatters for lazy loading WooCommerce images but most of the other inifinite scroll plugins can't enqueue the lazyload.js after each scroll, so all the images fail to load as you scroll down the page. You know what I mean?

Just wanted to know before I purchased. What do you guys use for lazy loading images?

1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 3 years ago

Whatever you want to happen after images are loaded, you can add to the following trigger that runs after auto infinite scroll has loaded a page:

The triggered event is named ‘auto-infinite-scroll-complete’.

So you could have:

jQuery(document).on('auto-infinite-scroll-complete', function() {

//do stuff


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