in my site isn\'t speed the site

Super Speedy Plugins Q & ACategory: Scalability Proin my site isn\'t speed the site
. asked 3 years ago

i try to SCALABILITY PRO and i\'m not see the site is speed than from without plugin and i see the site is little site is and i run the site in another env in is with the plugintest is without the plugini test the page /product-category/kitchen/i run the site in

1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 3 years ago

Hi – Scalability Pro, on your archive pages, specifically speeds up the main WP_Query SQL code.

Since you saw no speed boost, its likely that your slowness is coming from your product filters rather than from the main WP_Query.

See this guide for help on identifying where your slowness is coming from:

Your Answer

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