Woocommerce price is very higher than product

Super Speedy Plugins Q & ACategory: Price Comparison ProWoocommerce price is very higher than product
1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 3 years ago

Have you enabled the option to Update WooCommerce prices? If you don’t, it won’t update at all, it’ll just stay at whatever price you configured in the edit-product page.

Pedro B. replied 3 years ago

Hi Dave, yes the option is selected, this is why Im wondering

Pedro B. replied 3 years ago

Actually the price is set to the lowest scraped but woocommerce shows a very weird number instead. Any tip?

Dave H. Staff replied 3 years ago

There’s a beta update released today – can you check if that fixes it, and if it doesn’t please come join our discord server where we can help you over chat. https://discord.gg/AqSpnCeQnf

Pedro B. replied 3 years ago

Dave, I have installed a fresh version of WP and a new install of Price Comparison and looks like the problem is solved

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