“Price Comparison Pro” license has disappeared from our Account

Super Speedy Plugins Q & ACategory: Price Comparison Pro“Price Comparison Pro” license has disappeared from our Account
. asked 3 years ago

Dave H. Staff replied 3 years ago

That’s odd – I see it in your downloadable product permissions. Did you contact me in another way and we resolved this already?

Ramón R. replied 3 years ago

Hi Dave,

The last time this happened was in june 2019.

Back then we sent an email to your support email (which was active back then and powered by Intercom) with subject “PRICE COMPARISON PRO has dissapeared from our account”.

This was on June 19th, 2019 with information regarding the problem: “Until now we were using PRICE COMPARISON PRO on one of our websites because the licence was included in the Super Speedy Plugins Full Plugin Pack. Now we can’t update it any more and it is not available in our account to download.”

After some emailing on July 15th, 2019 the licence was there again.

Now it has disappeared again.

Could you please solve this?


Dave H. Staff replied 3 years ago

Can you add a private answer here and i’ll send you a private coupon to get it again (for free), that’s the easiest way.

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