Design Potential and Usability of Price Comparison Pro

Super Speedy Plugins Q & ACategory: Price Comparison ProDesign Potential and Usability of Price Comparison Pro
. asked 4 years ago

I'm just trying to figure out what the maximum potential of your plugin set is.

I want to create a price comparison website, a lot like this website:

I've got quite a bit of experience in design...

Would it be possible to use your plugins to create something similar to Cosmetify ... At least as far as the individual product pages are concerned...

Basically, is it possible to run a query to calculate what the best price is, and display that accordingly as the initial price of the item, with the [ Go To Store ] button in that manner? It just makes shopping super intuitive to the user and I'm certain will offer better conversion rate.

Also, would I be able to get live scraping on information like stock, so I can label where it is not in stock?

I'm basically looking to mimic this Cosmetify website as much as possible in my specific niche.

I hope that the structure of the plugin would allow something like this to be achieved, if built upon and using a few queries before loading individual deal pages.


1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 4 years ago

Hi – what you are describing is exactly how Price Comparison Pro works:

  1. Configure product detail pages per product
  2. Configure your scrapers (CSS, xPath or Regex)
  3. Choose the style and position of your comparison box

If you look at that box above, screengrabbed from the site you linked, this style would be achievable with price comparison pro although you’ll need to code your own CSS to get it looking like that.

Also, Price Comparison Pro:

  1. Will update your WooCommerce price to match the cheapest price scraped (if you set this in the options page)
  2. Will mark items as out of stock (if you enable this option)

So – it does everything you need, the main complications are:

  1. You need to style it yourself, but it sounds like you have experience
  2. You have to configure your own scrapers – it’s easy if you understand CSS – there are video guides in our support pages and there are Chrome and Firefox extensions which help.

Other than price, you can also have PCP scrape product images – in future I’ll alter it to allow you to scrape whatever you like and map it to whatever field in the product that you wish.

Dave H. Staff replied 4 years ago

Also – if you’re thinking to get Price Comparison Pro, I recommend you get the plugin pack – it includes PCPro and you can then have peace of mind that performance issues will never hurt you.

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