Improve performance

Yannick L. asked 4 years ago

Hi there,

I've bought your: Scalability Pro plugin. Currently running on a website with around 6.000 products.

With dedicated premium hosting. The website runs into some spikes in loadtime. Some pages load incredibly fast and some are extremely slow sometimes up to 30 seconds to load.

Could you help me out? It's live on:

Kind regards,


Yannick L. replied 3 years ago

Hi there, will you follow up on this?

Dave H. Staff replied 3 years ago

Hi yes – I’ve been working on FWW updates, finishing that today and the rest of the week and next week is going to be other business – bug fixes, perf improvements etc.

I’ve added this to the list of tasks for this sprint:

Dave H. Staff replied 3 years ago

Hi Yannick – I cannot log in – I tried /wp-admin, / and /my-account/ but none of them give me a login area.

Dave H. Staff replied 3 years ago

Hi – please get back to me if you’re still looking for this. I have time to do a free perf analysis this week.

Dave H. Staff replied 3 years ago

Hi – are you still looking for help with this?

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