Does Super Speedy Search include a shortcode?

Super Speedy Plugins Q & ACategory: Super Speedy SearchDoes Super Speedy Search include a shortcode?
. asked 4 years ago
We will purchase this plugin Super Speedy Search for our site medicine page I have seen you are supporting only this [superspeedysearch posttypes="product,post" searchplaceholder="Search" searchbuttontext="Go"] single shortcode with no category parameters.Our medicine page er search pulls data only from medicine category. Is it possible to provide shortcode? Thanks, Dwaipayan
2 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 4 years ago

There’s a big update coming out soon with the changes already in beta which allows you to specify to search the category names, category descriptions and any postmeta data.

If you purchase, I recommend you have a dev/staging version of your site, and if you wish I can send you a copy of the beta version for you to play with – and if there are any changes you’d like or additions you’d like then I can add them prior to the proper release of beta.

Zotezo Com E. replied 4 years ago

When Can I expect full version with release date as my new site will launch in Saturday.Any probable launch date? Also mort important question is it compatible with google AMP and AMP for Wp plugin?

Zotezo Com E. answered 4 years ago

When Can I expect full version with release date as my new site will launch in Saturday.Any probable launch date? Also mort important question is it compatible with google AMP and AMP for Wp plugin?

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