WordPress External Images + wp all import

Super Speedy Plugins Q & ACategory: External ImagesWordPress External Images + wp all import
Vincent W. asked 6 years ago


I just purchased the External Images plugin and I'm having trouble following the directions for tagging the images with All Import.

------- From the guide--------

How do I import using WP All Import?

Where WP All Import asks you for the image URLs, don’t give any – leave them blank. Instead, find the Custom Product Meta/Post meta area and add a new meta tag called external_image_url and insert your featured image url here.

------- End From the guide--------

I do not see a Custom Product Meta/Post in the All Import settings. There is a Custom Fields section, but that didn't seem to do anything.

I tried creating a custom field with the name "external_image_url" and with a Key "wp_postmeta" and the value from dragging from the image field ID of my csv file into the Value field.

But no images are showing. Can you help?

External WordPress Images v 2.05

WooCommerce v3.53

WP All Import Pro v4.5.5

1 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 6 years ago

Hi – custom fields is the correct area and the field should be called external_image_url

You can place one or many image urls in this field, separated by commas.

There’s an updated guide today on our support pages.

Your Answer

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