FacetWP and SearchWP

. asked 6 years ago

I saw someone posing a question about whether or not Scalability Pro works with FacetWP and SearchWP. We have a large site we are building with 5k+ products which will be using these two plugins and are concerned about site speed. We would like to use Scalability Pro to speed up the site in general, but also to improve queries using Facet and Search WP.

Do you have any insight on this?

1 Answers
Freddy J. answered 6 years ago

We haven’t tested either of these plugins with our own yet, we are planning on doing so in the next couple of weeks. I’ve created 2 feature requests for FacetWP and SearchWP which you can vote up and you will be informed when they are completed.

It’s highly likely that Scalability Pro would improve a site with as many products as your’s.

Best wishes


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