Fast Layered Category Widget not showing category tree on product pages

Super Speedy Plugins Q & AFast Layered Category Widget not showing category tree on product pages
Joona N. asked 7 years ago

Hello, I'm liking the Fast Layered Category Widget, and it works perfectly on category pages. I've set it to display the current hierarchy in list format. However, when I display the widget on product pages, I only see a list of top level categories. I would expect to see the same category tree as I saw on the category page, where I selected the product. Now it's hard for the customer to get back to the product's category page, because no hierarchy is shown. The products in my database only have one sub-category checked (the parent categories are not selected).

Joona N. replied 7 years ago

Also, how can I sort the categories by menu order instead of alphabetical order?

Anon replied 7 years ago

menu_order is an option in FWW->Settings. re: product detail page – is the product a member of 1 category or multiple categories?

Joona N. replied 6 years ago

Products are often members of multiple categories. From those, it would be best to select the one user is navigating from (as in breadcrumb path) or just the first one or one marked primary.

2 Answers
Dave Hilditch Staff answered 7 years ago

There are a number of options in the Faster Woo Widgets settings to let you control what happens with the heirarchy.

What it sounds like you’re looking for is the ‘full heirarchy’ view. You could also use a combination of ‘top level’ heirarchy and ‘children’ but you need 2 widgets to go that way.

As for sorting by menu_order, please visit wp-admin->Faster Woo Widgets->Settings and enable the option to sort by menu_order. It’s disabled by default due to a small performance impact, but enable it and then the menu_order will be respected. Note: If you have Scalability Pro installed too, you should disable the ‘remove sorting options’ feature.

Joona N. replied 7 years ago

The problem here is that the widget works differently on the product page, compared to category pages.

I’m using current hierarchy view option but as I proceed to the product page from category the widget shows only top level cats (as in main shop page), and not the current hierarchy of selected product.

Shop has over hundreds of categories so the full hierarchy view option doesn’t serve well, and we have the full category tree accessible through menu bar already.

Anon replied 6 years ago

Hi – I didn’t quite understand you first time. See my other answer.

Dave Hilditch Staff answered 6 years ago

I have implemented an upgrade to handle this scenario.

Now on product pages, it fetches the product category as follows:

If there is 1 category, that 1 is chosen.

If there are 2 categories with different depths, e.g. Dogs and Dogs->Dog Leads then it picks the deepest category in that tree.

If there are 2 categories with identical depth, e.g. Dogs->Dog Leads, Dogs->Dog Accessories, it picks the first one.

Upgrade to Faster Woo Widgets 1.60 to get this functionality.

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