Super Speedy Search (beta) is here and free for all Scalability Pro customers

The very first version of Super Speedy Search is finally here. It’s still in beta, so it’s still not quite ready for production use (depends on your use case) but it’s good, it’s fast, and it searches products in super speedy fashion.

As promised, everyone who has previously purchased Scalability Pro gets this plugin for free.

If you have a suitable development or beta environment upon which to test and use this plugin and provide feedback, then go ahead and use the coupon below to get this new plugin for free.


Product link:

(Feel free to go for the unlimited lifetime use license regardless of your current Scalability Pro license)

Here’s a wee video of Super Speedy Search in action on my reference site. My ref site has 820,000 ish products, it’s a $40 pcm Digital Ocean server running the rocket stack. Check out the speed! You too can speed up.

  1. Hi,
    How can I get it free?

    Greetz Roland

  2. lol coupon not working, we need to buy first any thing to use this coupon 😀 what a monoply wow

    Send me plugin if its freeThankyou.

    • The coupon works for anyone who is a Scalability Pro customer – it explains it right here in the article. Not sure what you mean about ‘monopoly’.

      It’s not a free plugin – there are a couple of free plugins here on the site, but super speedy search is not one of them.

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