External Images upgrade released – gallery support added

External Images is one of our most popular plugins, especially for those building massive affiliate stores. One of the biggest limitations on speed and size of affiliate stores is the images being imported and resized on your server.

That not only uses up CPU, it also fills your disks up.

External Images works around this by allowing you to keep images on a third party server, normally the affiliate CDNs, or for some clients Google S3.

This upgrade adds full Gallery support making it possible to add multiple images to each product.

Upcoming Features

The next upgrade will add the ability to have different external images per variant.


  1. How do I use the gallery support? I can’t find any reference to it in the plugin guide. I import through WP All Import, how do I get gallery images imported?

    • Hi – place your gallery images in CSV format into a custom field called ‘eigallery’ and they’ll appear. It’s ok to repeat your featured image in here, it’ll be de-duplicated. If your featured image is not in the CSV list, it’ll be added to the gallery anyway.

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