The Affiliate Marketing Plugins that you need!

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In one of the previous posts we discussed affiliate marketing and its benefits to you. Here we have provided a guide highlighting the very best, easy to use plug ins…De Nada! ….you’re welcome!

Cloaking Affiliate Links

Cloak affiliate Links to increase revenue. have a great article with a solid list of plugins for this task.

WordPress affiliate link cloaking plugins can easily Cloak Affiliate Links and hide those ugly long parameterized links that users see in the browser status bar when the mouse is held over a link.

WordPress Affiliate link cloaking plugins and other online services are used to hide and protect your affiliates links.

Why cloak affiliate links?

  • Boost your SEO by hiding affiliate links from search engines
  • Protect your earnings by masking referral links
  • Increase your revenue by analyzing your link traffic and stats
  • Save time by using affiliate links easily and with no hassle
  • Create a short, easy to remember URL

Browse their article for a full list of both free and paid, premium plugins that help to cloak your links:

ThirstyAffiliates is the top choice of affiliate marketeers. Web Dorado offers up this excellent explanation of the plugin and its functions – the same article lists several other useful plugins to boost your digital marketing campaigns.

Businesses can earn more via affiliate marketing by taking advantage of and downloading ThirstyAffiliates. This is an affiliate link management and link cloaking tool. ThirstyAffiliates gives website developers the tools needed to profit from incorporating this type of marketing into their WordPress site. This is not an app or plugin but a suite of affiliate marketing tools that enables you to administer your affiliate links, insert them into posts, pages, and comments.

Interested? …..Of course you are……. the full article is listed here:

Slow websites have lagging revenue, faster sites really do make more money. This also applies to affiliate links. Most of the time plugins improve your affiliate marketing but there ARE certain times when the opposite is in effect. tells us how to avoid these pitfalls:

One day I found that my affiliate links started working very slowly. Visitors clicked my affiliate links, and it took tens of seconds before the destination pages opened. It meant that I could be losing my income, not to mention irritating my readers. The adverse affects to my websites usability were obvious.

Long story short, a redirect plugin that I used was slowing everything down. All I knew was that for some reason the redirects initiated by my affiliate links management plugin worked awfully slowly.

So, if this has happened to you, how can you fix it?

The secret is quite simple: get rid of the plugin that manages your redirecting to affiliate websites. It’s very likely that the plug in itself is slowing down the redirection of affiliate links.

Browse the article from the link below for a VERY detailed troubleshooting tutorial and learn how to optimize the speed of your affiliate links.



  1. Binfer has a nice affiliate program as well! Visit

  2. Hi Vasil,
    Nice way of putting the article together!
    And thanks a lot for mentioning and linking to my tutorial.

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