Amazon affiliate marketing done right

Latest posts by Vasil Yordanov (see all)

Are you interested in the Amazon affiliate marketing program for your WordPress site? We are and we think that you should be too, so, we carefully selected a few of the very best articles to help you learn how. Go on, have a browse…no need to thank us…you are welcome.

Affiliate Marketing

First up is an article from where they provide a tidy three-step guide on how to start using the program and the benefits you can expect.

Display networks are alright, and they have their place, but one huge money making opportunity I was completely missing out on was product link placement through the amazon affiliate network on my WordPress blog. The beauty of placing Amazon Associate product links in your blog posts is that you can hand-pick items that will be useful and of interest to your readers – and that completely make sense with your subject matter.

Here is the article in full for your browsing pleasure. It even contains some useful tips and tricks on how to get a head start with the program, to save you some precious time that you might otherwise spend pottering around learning it all for yourself. It is so kind of them it would be rude not to take advantage.

Affiliate Themes

Next up, now that you have become a pseudo expert in the few minutes that it took to read that excellent article, you need to know the best tools to use to mine this vast chasm of revenue gaining goodness. An aptly chosen theme is a must. as well as the many other useful posts you will find there,  give us 12 of the best Amazon affiliate marketing themes for 2016, three cheers for them! ‘hip, hip..hooray, hip, hip….’. Too far?….we agree, worth browsing though:

Today, we will go through the best Amazon affiliate WordPress themes of 2016. WordPress has already shown how diversified it can be. The ecosystem helps WordPress to gain the place it has now. It has almost every theme and plugin you can wish for. And, if you didn’t get what you wanted, you can always go forward and hire a WordPress developer to work on your idea. That’s being said; there is no need to hire a WordPress developer to create WordPress Amazon affiliate themes. The market already has a lot of free and paid WordPress themes to fit your needs.

The list contains free and paid themes, you are sure to find something attention grabbing. Bring out your inner Picasso and express your greatness:

Affiliate Toolbox

We complete our fantastically encyclopaedic trilogy of sage-like wisdom with this article on ramping up your Amazon affiliate sales. Quintessential knowledge indeed:

Amazon is counted among the most trusted brands in the world. It has listings of more than a million products. The products include household items, accessories for mobile devices, cameras, etc. They have a competitive price tag due to which people don’t hesitate in buying expensive or inexpensive stuff from Amazon. Hence, the more traffic you send to Amazon, the higher will be the conversions. I can say this from my personal experiences.

Happy browsing clever clogs:

Heinous Self Promotion

Any affiliate marketeer toolbox would be half empty without containing our awesome Price Comparison Pro plugin. Install it on your site and let visitors see LIVE price comparisons from ANY third party website like Amazon, eBay, or literally any website that sells products that you are affiliated with.

Stop browsers shuffling off to other sites to check prices. Keep them safely with you and send them smiling to the checkout:

Price Comparison Pro

  1. Nice post and information Vasil on Amazon affiliate marketing.
    As for the plug for the “Price Comparison Pro” although this plugin has had little done in the way of development and updates, since purchasing it, users would have to manually find and input matching URL’s would be rather time consuming if you for instance you have a larger website.
    Please can you recommend some themes that can handle larger websites for amazon affiliate marketing, and if the price comparison pro plugin can or will be updated , (my email supplied)

    • The Price Comparison Pro is receiving continuous updates, we expect the launch of “PCP2” in the nearest future which will add even more features to the plugin.

      As for themes, you should have a look at:

      1)Affiliate Board
      2)Price Compare

      Those are the first ones that come to mind.

  2. Affiliate board discontinued:

    when are the updates coming for Price comparison pro 2??

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